Friday, February 9, 2007

Moved over to WordPress

I've decided to move the blog over to WordPress. Sorry for the mix up.

Moved over to WordPress

I've decided to move the blog over to WordPress. Sorry for the mix up.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Who says true love doesn't exist...

...Well, atleast it existed about 5,000 miles ago. Archaeologists in Italy have discovered a couple buried 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, hugging each other. It's amazing and not to sound's touching. Just in time for Valentine's Day too. Those archaeologists got some great timing.
I'm considering turning this into a Valentine's Day card. Photoshop some roses in there. Maybe a couple word bubbles saying "I love you." "I love you, too."

Hm, maybe not.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

My GMAIL playing tricks on me

I've been trying to get back into my Blogger account to update for the past couple days but my GMAIL account switched accounts on me. I'm still alittle confused about it myself. Basically, I started a GMAIL account specifically made for the Blogger account but then I have this other personal account. Somehow, Blogger or Google switched my Blogger account to my personal account.

Wierd. Anyways, now I can update. Yah! Huh?

I think it was the Bush.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

It Could Be True #2 (Pencils)

I've been meaning to get on the ball with these. Jason and I have come up with several of ideas for the strip still sticking with the main premise; an old man talking to two little kids. No, there won't be any molesting. Probably not.

Here are the pencils:

Here are the previous comics for anyone who hasn't read them (They have the same art but different text):

Final FINAL thoughts on Kurtz

I spoke with Scott Kurtz on the phone earlier, courtesy of Jason. There were a couple more threats to eachother's lives but nothing that couldn't blow over.

In the end, I think something positive came out of it. 'Nuff said.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Final thoughts about Kurtz

Well, today has been a long interesting day.

My final thoughts on this is actually a solution. Instead of complaining about the WCCA, how about creating your own awards? You and Penny Arcade both conquer the webcomics world. Just like the Harvey Awards and the Eisner Awards, why not the Tycho Awards or Kurtz awards? It's easier said then done I'm sure. I'm just suggesting.

I stand behind everything I said today. I have nothing more to say about it, so , this is where it ends for me.

Good times.

The Sophisticated Pig set for a comeback!

Despite someone's comment about our friendly neighborhood swinger pig: The Sophisticated Pig, I would love to draw a pig in a top hat again. Wiz and I have been talking about bringing the ol' pig back. Right now there is no website out there for SP, so for anyone who doesn't know about the pig here he is:

More information on this coming soon!

Pet Pro: Page 31 (Footnote)

Since I started drawing with my Wacom tablet a couple months ago, I start using photographs as a reference in my art. Basically, I'm tracing the picture vs. by hand I wasn't. It seems to have been working out for the best as far as I can see. Example, the first panel of this page:



Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Pet Pro: Page 31 (FINAL)

Pet Pro: Page 31 (Rough)

I've been chipping away at this page last night and today. The first panel with Scarefish behind the presidential desk took a bit of time to do. I think if I drew Bush behind that desk it would have been scarrier.

Okay, back to work.

Welcome to another artist blog.

Hello anybody, My name is Chad Diez. I'm the artist for several comics such as:

Today: The Comic
Pet Professional
The Sophisticated Pig (We're working to put Sophisticated Pig back up on the web.)

Sooo, Welcome to my little blog. I'll be posting various things on here including news, techniques, progress of a current page, thoughts, etc. Nothing really revolutionary to the blogging world.
Since I usually don't finish a page of art in one sitting I'll be posting unfinished Pet Professional art (or anyother art I'm working on at the moment), so if you wanna see what's coming up, stay tuned.

So, this wraps up the first post. I'll leave you with something special. I was searching for pictures of homeless people on Yahoo! for a 'Today' strip I'm planning on drawing and I came across this photo of Mariah Carey...and it doesn't look photoshoped to me:

I think she banged him.